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Toddlers (18 mos-3 yrs)

Nurturing Young Minds

Our Montessori Toddler program taps into your child’s curiosity and love of learning. Your toddler has a rare opportunity to soak up knowledge like a sponge. That’s why Montessori for toddlers is far more than just child care. We provide the perfect, safe space for your child to make the most of this precious time in their lives.

Our preschool lays the groundwork for a lifetime of learning and growth. Join us on this journey!


Key Experiences:

  • Positive Toilet Learning: Our skilled teachers are here to help your child at every stage of the toilet learning journey. They provide support and work with you to form a team effort. Most children are diaper-free soon after starting at our school.
  • Less Toddler Struggles: Toddlers with a Montessori education learn to do tasks by themselves. This helps to reduce the power struggles you might face at home. Family routines—such as getting ready for the day or mealtime—tend to run more smoothly.
  • Increased Language: Many start to see their child’s vocabulary grow in just a few months of enrolling at our school. To no surprise, better language skills help to decrease tantrums that tend to be caused by communication issues.


Montessori in Action:

Purposeful Classrooms: We design our school with your child in mind. We have low shelves, child-sized tables and chairs, and displays placed at the child’s eye level. This type of space fosters autonomy and safe exploration in our young learners.

Focused Learning: We focus on language, independence, and social skills. We boost our students’ language skills with fun activities. This includes conversations and creative exercises. These activities help your child learn to tackle tasks with confidence.

Empowering Independence: We let our students practice self-care skills throughout the school day. This includes practical life exercises and snack routines. We use structured activities and guidance to build a sense of pride and independence in each of our students.

Social Skills Development: Our program values communication and working as a team. We help our students build these key life skills by modeling social skills and supporting the development of language. This builds empathy and grace in our students, which are key for good relationships.

Structured Spaces: We follow Dr. Montessori’s insights. They guide us to create a simple and neat classroom space for our students. Our teachers provide routines and limited choices to help your child explore the classroom with confidence.

Psycho-sensorial Activities: Our teachers use hands-on learning to build your child’s sensory and motor skills. Activities your child may take part in include physical exercises and stringing beads, which stimulate both the mind and the body.


Your child’s educational journey begins here.

Our preschool is committed to providing a safe and supportive
space where every child thrives.