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May Principal Points of Interest

Dear Evergreen Academy Montessori Families,

How is it already May? April did not seem to bring as many showers, but we are not complaining. The great streak of beautiful weather was much needed. It is a great reminder to make sure you are lathering up your child with sunblock before you leave in the morning. If you would like your teachers to help provide an extra layer, please make sure you have sent in your preferred sunblock and a consent form. The consent form is attached here for your convenience.

We are erupting in butterflies this week! Although they were not quite showing themselves on Earth Day it has been a great point of interest in all our classrooms this past month. As each classroom can send their winged friends off into the great outdoors, teachers will be sharing fun photos. The children’s faces say it all! Don’t miss the opportunity to ask them about the butterfly’s stages of life.

As we move into May, we know we are winding down a school year in our primary classrooms. All Primary Montessori families will be provided an opportunity to conference with your teacher. Please watch for an email from your teacher next week to invite you to sign up. At this time all conferences will be conducted via Zoom.

Important Dates in May:
May 3rd – 7th – Teacher Appreciation Week
May7th – No School / Professional Development Day
May 21st – No Primary Montessori Classes / Parent-Teacher Conferences
(Limited Camp Availability)
May 31st – No School / Memorial Day


Maia Janus
Evergreen Academy Preschool
3601 228th Avenue SE • Issaquah, WA 98029
Blog Article May 2021

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